Monday, July 25, 2011

Jet Lagged

According to Wikipedia , "Jet lag is a chronobiological-related problem , similar to issues often induced by shift work . When traveling across a number of time zones , the body clock will be out of synchronization with the destination time , as it experiences daylight and darkness contrary to the rhythms to which it has grown accustomed . The body's natural pattern is upset , as the rhythms that dictate times for eating , sleeping , hormone regulation and body temperature variations no longer correspond to the environment nor to each other in some cases . To the degree that the body cannot immediately realign these rhythms , it is JET LAGGED !"

Enough of all the theories . Let's get on .

Suffering from Mr. J.L on our very first few days ... Woke up really early in the morning . Since the Sun is up , we decided to get changed and took a walk outside .

La Quinta

As usual , I had to take more pictures ... Bear with me =X 

Holiday Inn Opposite La Quinta
King Sized Bed
Cosy Lobby Area

It's 6.30 AM and we headed straight to the Breakfast area =)

Self Served Breakfast Area
The Bright Side Breakfast
Bread Toaster

Yes ! I get to toast my own bread . Love it ! Haha !

Waffle Toaster !

Guess what ?!? I get to make my own WAFFLE !!! Super cool and fun ! LOL ! Breakfast is kinda enjoyable during our stay at La Quinta . The meat patties , omelets , bacons and sausages served are great too ! Not too bad after all .

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